1. Voronkov O.V. Results of Work on Medical Materials Support of Activities of Service for Disaster Medicine in Emergency Situations
Some results are presented of work on medical materials support of activities of Service for Disaster Medicine in emergency situations. The statistics on amount of medical materials supplied to emergency situation areas, the size of reserves of territorial centers for disaster medicine and on minimum supply level of health service facilities for a number of years are discussed.
Key words: emergency situations, health service facilities, medical materials, minimum supply level, reserves, service for disaster medicine, territorial centers for disaster medicine
2. Garmash O.A. Pichugin V.Yu., Entsov V.I. Organization of Medical Care Rendering to Casualties of Massive Wildfires
Problems of organization of emergency medical treatment of casualties of massive wildfires are analyzed and the situation with forest and peat fires in the Russian Federation is discussed.
Some recommendations are made on enhancing the readiness of healthcare system for reaction to threats to life and health of population that stem from fires.
Key words: casualties, emergency medical treatment, massive wildfires, medical and sanitary consequences, Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, service for disaster medicine
3. Starkov A.S. Analysis of System of Rendering of Emergency Care to Sick and Injured in Environment of Crowded Skiing Facility
The system of rendering of emergency care to sick and injured in environment of crowded skiing facilities is analyzed. Gross flaws in the functioning of the system are detected. The conclusions are drawn on the necessity of restoring of traumatism cases registration system and of facilities personnel training in first aid procedures and in other issues.
Key words: casualties, crowded skiing facilities, emergency medical care, first aid, sick, traumatism
4. Porotikov V.T., Pisareva I.G., Yuzefovich E.G. Organization of Emergency Care and Consultation Service Rendering to Women with Obstetric-Gynecologic Pathology and to Newborns in Khabarovsk Territory
The experience is presented of joint efforts of Khabarovsk Territorial Centre for Disaster Medicine and perinatal center in organization of emergency care and consultation service rendering to women with obstetric-gynecologic pathology and to newborns. An analysis of the major lines of activity in the sphere with the aid of ample statistics is done. Five stages of obstetric-gynecologic care rendering are distinguished.
Key words: emergency care and consultation service, Khabarovsk Territorial Centre for Disaster Medicine, newborns, perinatal center, stages of obstetric-gynecologic care rendering, women with obstetric-gynecologic pathology
5. Yakhikhadjiev S.K., Kudryavtsev B.P., Yakovenko L.M. Analysis of Factors Influencing Development of Pyoinflammatory Complications of Open Limb Bone Fractures in Emergency Situations
The high importance of detection of risk factors of pyoinflammatory complications of any traumas and especially of open limb bone fractures in emergency situations is substantiated. Clinico-laboratorial material of more than 1 500 patients with open limb bone fractures is studied with use of up-to-date statistic analysis methods. The factors substantially influencing development of pyoinflammatory complications of open limb bone fractures (open fracture type, fracture appearance, wound shock, individual peculiarities of organism, quality of prehospital first aid, and so on).
Key words: emergency situations, open limb bone fractures, pyoinflammatory complications, risk factors
6. Ehrgashev O.N., Zhigalo A.V., Belousov A.E., Lapshinov E.B., Vetoshkin A.A., Vinogradov Yu.M. Successful Early Outcome of Upper Limb Replantation at Shoulder Height in Victims with Severe Concomitant Injury of Thorax, Abdomen and Extremities
A clinical observation of a successful replantation of a shoulder at mid-arm height carried out by a special team of a first-level trauma center at second-level trauma center facility and tactics of casualty management in specialized hospital environment are presented. The victim in case of 39 years sustained a severe concomitant injury. The assessment of result of treatment in 4 months after the trauma is given.
Key words: severe concomitant injury of thorax, abdomen and extremities, successful early outcome of upper limb replantation, upper limb replantation at shoulder height
7. Agapov K.V., Egorov M.S., Dzugkoeva F.A., Shutov A.A. Role of Spiral Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Choice of Treatment Policy of Acute Pancreatitis Cases
Comparative results of use of spiral computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in 43 cases of acute pancreatitis are presented. It is shown that the use of the techniques not only heightens the chances of acute pancreatitis detection but enables the doctor to control the process of abdominal drainage. A scoring system of witnessed changes is suggested. It is noted that the introduction of the diagnostics algorithm contributed to drop in hospital mortality.
Key words: acute pancreatitis, magnetic resonance imaging, spiral computed tomography, treatment policy
8. Srednyakov A.V. Peculiarities of Use of Aether Anaesthetics in Combination with Starch Derivatives in Block Anesthesia in Diabetes Patients
Peculiarities of use of aether anaesthetics in combination with starch derivatives in block anesthesia in diabetes patients are presented based on the experience of liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences of the 2010 Chile earthquake. The advantages of the anesthesia method and importance of its use in emergency situation zones are discussed.
Key words: 2010 Chile earthquake, block anesthesia, diabetes patients, emergency situations, novocaine, starch derivatives, voluven
9. Filatova I.A., Grishchenko S.V., Romanova I.A. Surgical Management and Remedial Treatment of Cicatricial Deformities of Eyelids after Severe Traumas
An analysis is presented of surgical management and rehabilitation of 75 patients with deformities of eyelids as a result of severe traumas. A regiment of surgical treatment and rehabilitation is suggested that allowed in all the cases to lessen significantly deformities, restore the shape and function of the injured part.
Key words: cicatricial deformities of eyelids, severe trauma, surgical management and remedial treatmen
10. Ezel’skaya L.V., Suvorov S.G. Human Resources Building for Organizing Specialized Medical Care of Children Casualties of Road Traffic Accidents
The results of analysis of need in different types of specialized surgical care of 465 children – victims of road traffic accidents – are presented. It is stated that adequate and timely care of the contingent has become possible with involvement of wide range of specialists in surgery and corresponding level of material and technical resources of health facilities. The necessity of evacuation of children heavily injured in accidents to facilities meeting requirements for first-level casualty wards is substantiated.
Key words: “road-side” hospitals, casualty wards, children, human resources, road traffic accidents, specialized medical care
11. Kuzmin A.G., Zuev S.G., Barachevsky Yu.E., Vishnyakov N.I., Martynova N.A. Comparative Analysis of Dynamics of Road Traffic Accident Traumatism in Constituents of the Russian Federation in Northwestern Federal District
Comparative dynamics on number of road traffic accidents in Arkhangelsk and Vologda Regions, in Arkhangelsk city and Vologda city in 7-year period (2004–2010) are presented. The data on number of casualties and killed in accidents are analyzed. The conclusion is drawn that in spite of growing number of vehicles there is a marked tendency since 2008 of decrease in number of killed and wounded in road traffic accidents thanks to the effect of Federal and regional road traffic safety programs.
Key words: Arkhangelsk Region, Arkhangelsk, casualties, road traffic accidents, road traffic safety programs, victims, Vologda Region, Vologda
12. Kipor G.V., Kozlov E.V., Bessonov V.V., Zaitseva S.N. Tactics of Instrumental Psychophysiological Diagnostics, Selection and Training of People in Different Professions: Modern Approaches and Problems
Technologies and methods are presented of consecutive assessment of status of regulation of functional asymmetry of cerebral hemispheres and of subsequent simultaneous training to enhance the level of psychophysiological preparedness of a person whose work involves strenuous exercise and/or is accompanied by psychoemotional stress.
Key words: interhemispheric functional asymmetry, psychophysiological testing, psychophysiological training, quantitative criteria, technologies of assessment
13. Zholdoshov S.T., Argynbaeva A.T. Incidence of Anthrax in Kyrgyzstan as Manifestation of Biological-Social Emergency Situation
The issues of spread of anthrax morbidity, of peculiarities of clinical progression and epidemiologic manifestations of the nosology in southern regions of Kyrgyzstan are discussed. An analysis of morbidity in emergency situation areas is done across a number of criteria (severity of clinical picture, delay in hospitalization, epidemiological manifestations). It is stated that men in the age of 20-50 years comprise the majority of the cases.
Key words: anthrax, biological-social emergency situations, clinical and epidemiologic manifestations, diagnostics, Kyrgyzstan, treatment
14. Semenenko T.A., Shcherbakov A.G., Rusakova E.V., Tedeeva L.U. Role of Serum Banks in System of Epidemiological Surveillance of Current Infections in Emergency Situations
The issues are discussed of use of serum bank collections for vaccine prophylaxis of population in emergency situation zones in the environment of spread of communicable diseases of various nosological entities, of bioterrorism acts and other extreme situations. The main principles of organization of sanitary and epidemiological aid to affected population are defined, and tactics of vaccine prophylaxis are elaborated in case of especially dangerous infections (plague, natural smallpox, viral hemorrhagic fever), viral hepatitis A,B,C, and other infections.
Key words: bioterrorism acts, emergency situations, epidemiological surveillance, immunodeficiency states, prophylaxis and epidemiology, serum bank
15. Goncharov S.F., Chizh I.M., Sakhno I.I., Chernikov I.G. Perfection of System of Pregraduate Preparation of Doctors on Issues of Disaster Medicine at Medical Institutions of Higher Education of Russia
Problems of perfection of legal and regulatory framework of All Russian Service for Disaster Medicine activity are analyzed. Issues of teaching of disaster medicine at medical institutions of higher education of Russia are discussed. Principal points of the teaching program on the discipline are presented for discussion.
Key words: All Russian Service for Disaster Medicine, disaster medicine, education standards, medical institutions of higher education, pregraduate preparation of doctors, software
16. Grebenyuk T.B., Fisun A.Ya., Simonenko V.B., Liferov R.A., Patsenko M.B., Shchur Yu.V. Experience of Treatment at Workplace of Arterial Hypertension in Persons in Hazardous Occupations
The experience of treatment of arterial hypertension in persons in hazardous occupations at the workplace with the use of new-class antihypertensive preparations – angiotensin II receptor blocker (eprosartan) – is presented. It is shown that eprosartan monotherapy not only produced positive antihypertensive results (lower pressure and normalization of 24-hour monitoring data) but led as well to lower anxiety in patients. It is noted that the effect is most significant in the interval between 4 weeks and 6 months from the therapy begin.
Key words: arterial hypertension, at the workplace, eprosartan, people in hazardous occupations, treatment
17. Peshkun A.V., Goncharov N.G., Ertukhanov M.Sh.S. Characteristics of Road Traffic Accident Traumatism in Moscow Region
18. Chobanu G.K., Pysla M.S., Dumitrash V.I. Development and Adoption of Triage Tags in Republic of Moldova
Description and filling procedure of triage tags – a primary accounting document filled during triage and first aid in mass casualty emergency situations are presented.
Key words: emergency situation, Republic of Moldova, triage groups, triage tag, triage
19. Kozlov E.V. Driving as Multidimensional Activity of Driver of Transport Vehicle: Psychophysiological and Professiographic Approaches
A concept of a multidimensional activity of a driver of transport vehicles is presented. The subject and the content are discussed of 6 types of activity of a driver that form taken together the multidimensional activity of a driver. A conclusion is drawn that introduction of the concept into practice of driving schools will provide the possibility of elaborating optimal teaching methodic to prepare drivers for every dimension of his activity and thus substantially enhance their training quality.
Key words: drivers of transport vehicles, multidimensional activity, psychophysiological analysis, types of activity
20. Pisarev D.N., Altynova M.V., Politov V.V. Organization of Activity of Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine of Yaroslavl Oblast on Rendering Aid to Sick and Injured in Critical Conditions
21. Tolkachyov D.A., Pravdina E.V. Organization of Medical Care Provision and Interagency Cooperation as Exemplified in Two Major Road Traffic Accidents in Saratov Oblast