1. Goncharov S.F., Garmash O.A., Vlasenko V.F. Specialized (sanitary-aviation) ambulance service: condition and perspectives of development
The condition of the special (sanitary-aviation) ambulance service (quantity of the sanitary aviation departments, their status, results of the activity of the departments in 2006, adequate provision with personnel and aviation transport, etc.) was examined in details. It was concluded that system of using of sanitary aviation in medical evacuation rendering of the victims in emergencies was absent in now days in Russian Federation. The proposals of measures for creating such a system were presented. The activity of FSU «All-Russian Center of Disaster medicine «Zachita» of Roszdrav» in realization of those proposals was considered.
Key words: aviation transport, road accidents, departments of sanitary aviation, specialized (sanitary-aviation) ambulance service, emergencies, accident service
2. Potapov V.I., Buk T.N., Lagutin A.S., Stazhadze L.L., Budantseva L.B. Technology of organization of control of readiness of disaster medicine service of Moscow City for work in emergent situations
The process of gathering of information about readiness of the divisions of the Moscow city accident service (SEMP) in and their participation in liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences of emergent situations are analyzed. Main functions of automated information system «SEMP-Gotovnost» (SEMP-Readiness) that provides informational and analytical support in organization of the control of SEMP divisions’ readiness for work in emergent situations and allows to form reporting statistics on state and capability of SEMP divisions in provision of victims of emergent situations.
Key words: automated information system «SEMP-Gotovnost», control of readiness for work in emergent situations, reporting forms, accident service
3. Abdurzakov S-A. S-A., Bobij B.V., Magamadov U.A. On the notion of «reconstruction of disturbed system of accident service»
The point of view of authors on the notion of «reconstruction of disturbed system of accident service» at the regions where military operations (in particular during liquidation of consequences of armed conflict in Chechen Republic) were take place are presented. The main goal of the paper is to give a clear idea on the notion which gives possibility for more adequate planning of concrete measures of medical provision of population in emergent situations. Main elements characterizing in whole the substance of the notion «reconstruction» are numerated.
Key words: armed conflict, reconstruction of disturbed system of accident service, medical and preventive institutions, public health authorities
4. Bobij B.V., Avramenko V.A. Some peculiar features of act of terrorism and their influence on functioning of health care system. Report 1
The factors significantly affect the functioning of health care system and efficiency of medical care for population during acts of terrorism are considered. The definition of the notion of «terrorism» and two main statements determining reaction of institutions on acts of terrorism and their activities at this period which arise from this definition are given. The characteristics of present-day terrorism from the medical point of view is presented.
Key words: activity of health care system during acts of terrorism, notion of «terrorism», emergent situation
5. Levit A.L., Popov V.P., Kolesnikov I.O. Organization of intensive care to casualties in emergencies in the region
The basics of the new organization of work of reanimation and anesthetic service in Sverdlovskaya oblast is presented. The necessity in creation of territorial standards in activities of reanimation and anesthetic service is grounded. It is shown that implementation of the new system of organization of reanimation and anesthetic service based on principles of syndromic approach, with conducting intensive care by stages and with succession, with coverage of the costs through insurance money and system of quality control ORIT allows to realize a provision of timely, available, and effective medical aid in practical health care at the stage of intensive treatment. Main principles of secure transportation of ill persons in critical condition are presented. The principles of work of three reanimation and consultative centers – obstetric, neuro-surgical and burn one – which were created in Sverdlovskaya oblast Territorial Center of Disaster Medicine in order raise quality of provision of accident service to the vicitims are described.
Key words: intensive care, medical and preventive institution, monitoring, department of reanimation and intensive care, multiple organ failure, reanimation and anesthetic service, reanimation and anesthetic department, reanimation and consultative center, territorial center of disaster medicine
6. Samsonov A.P., Galeev I.K., Sakhno I.I. 15 years of the Kemerovsky Oblast Center of Disaster Medicine
The article is devoted to fifteenth anniversary of Kemerovsky Oblast Center of Disaster Medicine. The materials on the history of creation of the Center are given, main directions and results of Centers activities and forces and means of disaster medicine of Kemerovskaya oblast are considered, the work on medical provision for the victims of emergent situations is analyzed.
Key words: disaster and accident in coal mines, Kemerovsky Oblast Center of Disaster Medicine, medical provision, victims, disaster medicine service, emergent situations
7. Pogodin Yu.I., Shanin V.Yu., Botchenkov A.A., Korovin A.E. Peculiarities of the disorders of system of circulation of the blood after light mechanical trauma under the emergency
The results of the exploring of the peculiarities of the disorders of system of circulation of the blood after light mechanical trauma (LMT) under the emergency were presented. 287 persons – 157 victims with LMT of the upper extremities and 130 healthy persons – were examined. Definition of psychological decompensation of the patients with LMT made it possible to reveal some pathological reactions of the blood system, and complex analysis of the data – to understand the activity of some pathogenetical mechanisms of the disorders of the blood system.
Key words: upper extremities, light mechanical trauma, psychological decompensation, type of personality, disorders of system of circulation of the blood, emergency
8. Puras Yu.V., Talypov A.Eh., Krylov V.V. The criterions of the choosing of the methods of trepanation of the skull for victims with heavy craniocerebral trauma
The criterions of choosing of the optimal method of trepanation of the skull – osteoplastic or decompressive – for the victims with heavy craniocerebral trauma (CCT) were presented. The results of two independent investigations: prospective randomizing investigation of two groups of patients with osteoplastic or decompressive trepanation – 126 patients, and results of treatment of 43 victims with CCT were showed, according to evaluation of the dynamics of intracranial pressure during the operation and in early postoperative period. The factors, that must be taken into account during the planning of method of trepanation, were fixed on the base of the results of the investigations, and absolute testimonies for carrying out the preventive decompressive trepanation of the skull for victims with heavy CCT and without brain (cerebral) edema were carried out.
Key words: intracranial pressure, Institute of emergency named by N.V.Sklifosovsky, prospective randomizing investigation, method of trepanation of the skull, craniocerebral trauma
9. Koshelev V.P. Postgraduate training of doctors in disaster medicine on central and local bases
The organization of extension courses for doctors in disaster medicine on central and local bases is considered. The notions of central and local bases of postgraduate training of doctors working in disaster medicine service are specified. A new definition of «academic» and «nonacademic» bases of education in the system of advanced professional training of doctors in disaster medicine is introduced. The comparison of main characteristics of postgraduate training during 1998–2006 is given. The value and volume of nonacademic training for the doctors working in disaster medicine is exposed. A comparative analysis of various doctor qualification categories and specialists’ certificates that doctors in disaster medicine have were made.
Key words: «аcademic» and «nonacademic» base for postgraduate education; qualification category; Postgraduate training of doctors; certificate of specialists; disaster medicine service
10. Tretjakov N.V., Trifonov S.V., Kovalev V.A., Trifonova S.S. Questions of the medical psychological ensuring of the population under emergencies in the frames of pregraduation training of the students of Medical Universities
Continuation of the analytical and researching materials, devoted to the scientific basing and creating of the course of distant training on module was presented «Organization of the medical psychological ensuring of the population under emergencies in the frames of pregraduation training of the students of 3–5 courses of Medical Universities». It is mentioned, that such kind of knowledge is very important not only for future specialists, who are working in the field of medical and psychological support for victims under emergencies, that but also for practical doctors of all specialization.
Key words: distant training of the students of Medical Universities, pregraduation training, medical psychological correction, organization of the medical psychological and pharmaceutical ensuring, functional condition, emergency
11. Goncharov S.F., Bobij B.V. The results of implement of Federal Program of Special Purpose «Increasing of security of the road traffic in 2006–2012»
The major results of fulfillment of Federal Purposeful Program «Rise of Traffic Safety in 2006–2012» by All-Russian Disaster Medicine Service are presented. The large amount of data on medical and sanitary consequences of road accidents is analyzed. The causes of loss of quality in provision of medical assistance at pre-admission and hospital period to the victims of road accidents are considered. The main directions and results of the work on realization of Federal Purposeful Program «Rise of Traffic Safety in 2006–2012» are characterized.
Key words: All-Russian Disaster Medicine Service, hospital period, pre-admission period, road accidents, medical and sanitary consequences, Federal Purposeful Program «Rise of Traffic Safety in 2006–2012»
12. Ivanchenko A.N, Sergeev V.V., Siglaeva L.M. Role of the dispatcher’s service of ambulance stations in the rendering of emergent medical help for the victims of the road and other accidents
Activity of dispatcher’s service was presented at the example of the city ambulance station of Kaliningrad. One of the most important aspects of such an activity – call acceptance from inhabitants – was examined. The main principles of requirements to dispatchers were determined and the proposal of the organizing of the «Medical Dispatchers School» was proved.
Key words: algorithm of the interview, orderly team, ambulance service, central controller’s office, Medical Dispatchers School
13. Prostakishin G.P., Sarmanaev S.Kh, Goldfarb Yu.S. Road accidents during the transportation of the dangerous loads and problems of the first medical help
The problems of rendering of the first medical aid for the victims of the road accidents with overshoot of the toxic substances to the atmosphere were carried out. It was mentioned, that under the road accidents there was evident specificity of such affections caused by peculiarities of the action of toxic agents. The main manifestations of the acute toxic affections in human and their clinical syndromes during the first 24 hours after the affection were described. The organization of the rendering of the first medical help for the victims of the road accidents with overshoot of the wrecking dangerous substances to the atmosphere was presented.
Key words: medical sanitary consequences of the road accidents, rendering of the medical assistance for the victims, specificity of the human affections, toxic substances
14. Gromov V.G. The Organization of management of sanitary and antiepidemic provision of population during liquidation of consequence of earthquake in the City of Nevelsk of Sakhalin oblast
The characteristics of the earthquake in Nevelsk in August 2, 2007, its medical and sanitarian consequences and behavior of population at this period are given. The organization of provision of victim population by temporary placement and also by water and food is considered. The other activities in liquidation of sanitary and antiepidemic consequences in emergent situation are marked. The work made by arrived special units – unfolding of temporary camps; prophylaxis of acute enteric and respiratory infections; disinfections of water sources and places of living; laboratory research of environment, sick people, drinking water and food – is described. It is marked that local department of Rospotrebnadzor (The Russian Consumer Monitoring Service) and local affiliation of the federal Center of hygiene and epidemiology in Nevelsk closely interacted with the Sakhalin oblast department of the Federal Ministry of Emergency, The territorial center of Emergent Medicine, metrological service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other departments which positively affected the prevention of food poisoning and infections of all nosological forms.
Key words: aftershock, desinfection, earthquake, laboratory monitoring, repeated tremor, sanitary and antiepidemic activities
15. Chelyukanov V.V. About radiation conditions on the territory of Russian Federation in 2006
16. Belousov A.I. Scientific-practical conference «Pedestrian accident: problems of the rendering of the first medical aid to the victims»
17. Katik A.A. Scientific-practical conference «Questions of reforming of the training system for carrier’s drivers and perspectives of the development in the light of Federal Program of Special Purpose «Increasing of security of the road traffic in 2006–2012»
18. Sakhno I.I. Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference «The Problems of Current Importance of the Disaster Medicine Service of Siberia Federal District»
19. Shaposhnikov A.A. Scientific-practical conference «Contemporary problems of epidemiology»
20. In Dissertation Board of ARCDM «Zaschita», 2007
21. Krichevsky A.L., Galeev I.K. Perftoran: to use as often as possible