1. Gromut A.A., Kashapov N.G. Experience of the activity of disaster medicine service of Khanti-Mansijsk autonomous region – Ugra
Analysis of the emergencies in Khanti-Mansijsk region – Ugra, during the last two years, and activity on the liquidation of medical-sanitary consequences of the emergencies, increasing of readiness of disaster medicine service for the emergencies were carried out. Guidelines for the perfection of state-organizing structure of territorial disaster medicine center were presented. Effective directions for the future perfection and development of disaster medicine service were proposed, that will be new approach for adaptation of disaster medicine service to peculiarities of consequences of the emergencies.
Key words: mobile forming, consequences of the emergencies, structure of territorial disaster medicine center, Khanti-Mansijsk autonomous region – Ugra, emergency
2. Goncharov S.F., Lukina I.N., Avramenko V.A. Impact of the economic factor on the state of the regular-organizing structure of disaster medicine territorial centers. Report 1
Criterions of the evaluation and indexes of the economical state of the regions and providing with the resources of the regional public health were examined. The results of the evaluation of the economical capability of the regions, analysis of influence of the regional economical possibility level on the state of the regular-organizing structure of disaster medicine territorial centers were produced.
Key words: budget, gross regional product, regular-organizing structure, regional public health, territorial disaster medicine center, economical index
3. Lyadov K.V., Preobrazhensky V.N., Ostapishin V.D., Makarova M.R., Manevsky A.P. Perspectives of the development of rehabilition medicine for prophylaxis and early diagnosis of diseases for the persons of dangerous professions
Conceptual-methodological positions of the development of the rehabilitation medicine for the persons of dangerous professions in contemporary conditions were presented. The necessity of solving of concrete tasks, dealing with professional health of rescuers, was shown. Need of creation of strong system of rehabilitation on the territorial level was proved.
Key words: rehabilitation medicine, persons of dangerous profession, professional health, rehabilitation medicine, emergency
4. Makarova M.R. Programs of medical rehabilitation for the persons of dangerous professions with post-viral fatigue syndrome
Data of the investigation of 234 participants of the antiterrorist operation in Chechen Republic, who were suffered from post-viral fatigue syndrome, was presented. New methods: bio-resonance therapy; sensory room «Snuzlin»; Bemer-therapy for correction of the post-viral fatigue syndrome, were applied. It was shown, that those methods are effective for correction of the post-viral fatigue syndrome, and can be recommended for broad use in the ministers and administrations, which are busy with liquidation of the consequences of the emergencies.
Key words: correction of vegetative violation, liquidation of the consequences of the emergencies, persons of dangerous professions, persons of dangerous professions, post-viral fatigue syndrome
5. Gundorova R.A., Kvasha O.I., Nurmamedov R.A., Kapelyushnikova N.I., Lazuk P.V. To the question about tactics of rendering of the ophthalmologic assistance to the victims with the penetrating orbital wound combined with the other somatic traumas
Optimal dates of surgery treatment of the victims with the penetrating orbital wound combined with the other somatic traumas for the promotion of effectiveness of rehabilitation were determined. Statistic analysis of 73 case histories (83 orbits) was carried out. Investigations showed, that it is necessary to render single-stage combined emergent specialized medical help in order to optimize the results of the ophthalmologic assistance for such a category of patients.
Key words: ophthalmologic assistance, combined penetrating orbital wound, emergency
6. Subbotin L.I. Principles of teaching of basic reanimation complex for participants of the liquidation of the consequences of road accidents due to the Basic Life Support standard and according to recommendations of International conciliatory committee on reanimation (ILCOR) 2005
Reasons of non-providing first medical help to the victims of the road accidents by the members of liquidators group were examined. Necessity of unified methodology for drivers and collaborators training, need of training in cardio-pulmonological reanimation were shown. Algorithm of the basic reanimation complex, theoretical and practical parts of training methodology, plan of the «Cardio-pulmonological reanimation» lectures for drivers and collaborators of the group, who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the road accidents, and final list for the exam were presented. Significance of such training according to international standards was mentioned.
Key words: basic reanimation complex, International conciliatory committee on reanimation, exam method, method for theoretical and practical lessons, first medical help, cardio-pulmonological reanimation, participants of the liquidation of the consequences of road accidents
7. Koshelev V.P. External and self-dependent disaster medicine doctors training in frames on continuity of professional development
Questions of external and self-dependent training of doctors of disaster medicine service were discussed. Using informational materials (text-books, monographies, scientific articles, magazine «Disaster Medicine»); holding seminars, organizing by disaster medicine service: state teaching, practical lessons, conferences, seminars, trainings – were examined.
Key words: external training, doctors of disaster medicine, informational materials, continuity of professional development, teachers of Medical Universities
8. Akinshin A.V., Borisenko L.V., Goncharov S.V., Shilkin I.P. Expert-advisory system for rendering of medical assistance for the victims of road accidents
Necessity of the creating of the medical expert-advisory service for increasing quality of medical assistance for the victims of road accidents was proved. Characteristics and matter were presented, destination and possibilities of the main parts of expert-advisory system: expert, advisory and evacuation, their connection with the system of tele-medical consultations, were revealed. Medical requirements to the expert-advisory system, that ensure informational escort for the victims of road accidents from pre-hospital period of medical assistance, were formulated. Advisability of creating on the base of «ACDM «Zaschita» Rossdrava’ Federal administer center of expert-advisory system of medical assistance for the victims of road accidents, was carried out.
Key words: data based, road accident, medical informational system, medical assistance, expert-advisory system
9. Naumenko K.V. Foreign experience of the training of specialists for emergent medical rendering for victims of the road accidents
Foreign experience of the training of specialists for emergent medical rendering for victims of the road accidents was presented. On USA and Germany’s examples, the questions of training of the specialists, who ensure such help with a use of helicopters, categories and qualification of specialists, duration and type of their education, were examined.
Key words: helicopter, road accident, special training, victims, medical assistance
10. Goncharov S.F., Koldin A.V. Analysis of functioning of the system of emergency to victims of the road accidents in Volgograd, Voronezh, Murmansk and Nizhni Novgorod regions
The results of analysis of the organization of emergency medical aid to the victims of road accidents in Volgogradskaya, Voronezhskaya, Murmanskaya and Nizhegorodskaya oblasts are presented. The activities of Disaster medicine regional centers, departments of emergent and regular consulting medical assistance, emergency medical aid units and medical prophylactic institutions providing medical aid to the victims of road accidents were explored. The comparative analysis of data, indicating activities of doctors and medical attendants emergency teams and hospitals of different municipalities.
Key words: road accident, medical units, medical evacuation, emergent and regular consulting medical assistance, victim, disaster medicine, emergency service, Disaster medicine regional center, federal road, central regional hospital
11. Frolov G.P., Abdulsalamov S.N., Avetisov G.M. Medical ensuring of the victims of the road accident in radiation materials transit
Substance and organization of medical ensuring of the victims of road accident participation of special vehicle for radiation materials, possible sanitary-medical consequences of such a road accidents, for instance, types of radiation defeats and their clinical manifestations in the first 24 hours after irradiation, were examined. Specificity of the activity of the medical groups collaborators in conditions of radiation road accident, necessity of measures for medical personal defense from irradiation and observance of norms of external irradiation were mentioned. Conclusion on necessity of preparing of manual about first medical support to victims of the radiation road accident was done.
Key words: road accident, sanitary-medical consequences, medical ensuring, radiation accident on traffic, special vehicle for radiation materials
12. Prostakishin G.P., Sarmanaev S.Kh., Buchinsky V.S. Mass common poisoning in Russia
Most popular in Russia reasons for mass common poisoning by chemical etiology: dummy alcohol substitute, methanol, ethylene glycol, nitrates, vitamin D, carbon monoxide, drugs, mushrooms were presented and analyzed. Approaches for solving some organizing problems, concerning liquidation of medical consequences of mass common poisoning, were recommended.
Key words: mass common poisoning, disaster medicine, organizing measures for mass defeats, alcohol substitute, carbon monoxide, chemical defeat
13. Shaposhnikov A.A., Batrak N.I., Lukicheva T.A. Medical-sanitary characteristic of epidemic centers in emergences
Report 2
Medical-sanitary characteristic of epidemic centers in emergences was presented; epidemiological investigations in zones of catastrophes, done in frames of sanitary-epidemic control, were shown; factors, which formed mechanisms, that influenced on the development of epidemic and social process, were examined; biological, sanitary, epidemic and social factors, that determined epidemiological situation, were carried out; characteristics of the combined defeats in zones with peculiarities of the development of the disease, organization of support to the victims and their evacuation were considered.
Key words: geographic landscape, determinants of epidemical process, immunostructure, regional nozoareals, sanitary-epidemic environment, emergencies, epidemiological danger
14. Darizhapov B.B., Podolyanko I.A., Legejda N.I., Im En Ok, Yakubich T.V. Rospotrebnadzor’s specialists activity on liquidation of sanitary-epidemic consequences of earthquake in Nevelsk in Sakhalin region
Administration of Rospotrebnadsor of Sakhalin region and «Center of hygiene and epidemiology in Sakhalin region» in the very first hours after the earthquake in Nevelsk organized the activity for ensuring sanitary-epidemic prosperity of people: control for sanitary-hygienic norms during organization of campsites, investigations and control for the water and meal, sewer system, trade points, canteens, holding disinfections and anti-epidemic measures; established regime of emergency in the territory of earthquake. Complex activity, efficiency of measures, professionalism of the specialists made it possible to prevent the appearance of mass infections and noninfectious diseases in the zone of the earthquake.
Key words: bacteriophage, water supple, measures for disinfection, earthquake, campsite, anti-epidemic measures, field-kitchen
15. Popov A.V. Experience of the evacuation of casualty in critical condition
16. Vlasenko I.I. Medical ensuring of the 8th International aviaspace salon MAKS–2007
17. Karachevtsev M.D., Dyakov S.V. Tactics of rendering of specialized (aero-sanitary) emergent help in the situation of serious combined trauma
18. Valdman A.B. Using of aviation for rendering of emergent medical help in Karelia Republic
19. Popov A.S. Experience of using out apparatusless membranous plasmaferesis in combined therapy of the victims with crash-syndrome in zone the earthquake in Islamic Republic of Pakistan
20. Sakhno I.I., Kipor G.V. Russian-Bulgarian agreement