1. Goncharov S.F., Lukina I.N. Influence of natural and man-caused danger of the origins of the emergencies in regions on the forming of the state-organizational structure of regional centers of disaster medicine of subjects of Russian Federation
Report 2
The results of the examining of the influence of natural and man-caused danger of the origins of the emergencies in regions on the forming of the state-organizational structure of regional centers of disaster medicine (RCDM) were presented. The peculiarities of the regions, based on the priority of different types of the potential danger were analyzed, alignment of the regions due to degree of danger were fulfilled. The conformity of state-organizational structure of regional centers of disaster medicine (RCDM) and recommendations of the general standards, including the degree of potential danger in regions, was examined.
Key words: origins of natural and man-caused danger, natural and man-caused danger, degree of potential danger, subjects of Russian Federation, regional centers of disaster medicine
2. Timkin V.A., Kozhevnikova G.M., Gazheeva S.M. Formation and perspectives for development of disaster medicine service in Buryatia Republic
Background and formation of disaster medicine service in Buryatia Republic are presented. Problems and perspectives for development of Central Public Health Department «Regional Centre for Disaster Medicine of Buryatia Republic» are described. The paper gives statistical data concerning different emergencies (E) for the last 3 years, estimate of the scale of medical and health after-effects of possible emergencies in Buryatia Republic according to the EMERCOM forecast.
Key words: earthquakes, forest fires, floods, disaster medicine service of Buryatia Republic, emergencies
3. Valkov A.V., Koryakovsky L.N., Kotlov A.P., Barachevsky Yu.E. The experience of the organization of the medical service of mass measures at Archangelsk region
An experience of the work of GUS «Archangelsk region center of disaster medicine» at the organization of medical service of mass measures in Archangelsk region was presented. Different aspects of the organization of the medical service such as planning, instruction, interaction with regional state organizations and urgent services were examined.
Key words: interaction, mass measures, medical service, organization, planning
4. Melnikova O.A., Kolyasnikov O.V., Petrov A.Yu. Technique for calculation of narcotic drug requirement in routine daily work of disaster medicine centre
The technique for calculation of annual narcotic drug requirement in disaster medicine centre is suggested. Such technique is not appropriate for disaster medicine centres because they do not have clinical facilities. Therefore the Territorial centre for disaster medicine in Sverdlovsk region has undertaken an attempt of its own calculation on the basis of actual statistical data.
Key words: rotation of narcotic drugs, calculation of narcotic drug requirement, statistical data
5. Litvintsev S.V., Reznik A.M. Contemporary approach to the treatment of the military men with fighting stress reactions
Contemporary approaches to psychologico-psichiatric assistance for the military men with fighting stress reactions are presented. It was mentioned that the experience of the psychologico-psichiatric assistance during the military actions testifies the necessity of its maximum approach to the front line, it needs immediate simple medical measures, and must be orientated for quick serviceman’s rehabilitation. The principles of the medical sorting were observed. Three degrees of gravity of the fighting stress reactions and their treatment on the different stages of the medical evacuation were depicted. The general principles of the medicament treatment were analyzed.
Key words: military actions, servicemen, psychologico-psichiatric assistance, fighting stress reactions, stages of the medical evacuation
6. Kandyba G.F., Zadorozhko M.G., Lyadov K.V., Preobrazhensky V.N., Siforkin M.V. The correction of the posttraumatic stress disorders syndrome and nonpsychotic forms of the mental disorders of the wounded-men on the sanitary stage
The results of the early diagnostic of the posttraumatic stress disorders syndrome of 173 patients with the wounds of the low extremities, which were got during antiterrorist operation, were presented. It was proved that using of the modern computer technologies and the evaluation of the vegetative skin potential allow to diagnose this syndrome in first two months. The programs of the medico-psychological rehabilitation, that correct the syndrome in 91–93 % of the cases, in which the adapt genes, sensory room and transpersonal psychotherapy, were included, were shown. The application of the new physiotherapeutic technologies with the action of the factor of vibration and lymphodrenage improves the functional condition of the extremities in 76–78% of the cases. Using of the program of medico-psychological rehabilitation for wounded-men with the wounds of low extremities was suggested.
Key words: adapt genes, medico-psychological rehabilitation, wounded-men, sensory room, posttraumatic stress disorders syndrome, ultrasound doplerography
7. Kvasha O.I. Traumatic pathology of the cornea of the wounded-men in emergencies
The analysis of the clinical cases of the patients with the traumatic pathology of cornea, which were treated in the department of the special and urgent help at Moscow Scientific Institute of the eye diseases, named by Gelmgoltz, was presented. The results of the treatment, arising complications and the date of the rehabilitation of the patients were analyzed.
Key words: foreign body of the cornea, affected, trauma of the cornea, traumatic corneitis, emergencies, erosion of cornea
8. Makarova M.R., Preobrazhensky V.N., Lyadov K.V., Koneva E.S., Kandyba G.F., Siforkin M.V. The programs of the medical rehabilitation of the victims of the hit-and-run accident with posttraumatic stress disorders syndrome
Report 2
The data of the restorative treatment of 176 victims of the hit-and-run accidents with the posttraumatic stress disorders syndrome was presented. During the treatment single-drug therapy by escitolapram, sensory room and low doses of the magnetic radiation were used, that made it possible to obtain clinical remission in 78–79% of the cases. The application of such programs in the specialized rehabilitation centers was suggested.
Key words: restorative treatment, victims of the hit-and-run accidents, medical rehabilitation program, psychological disorders, posttraumatic stress disorders syndrome
9. Drobotov V.N. The method of the prevention of the complications of the accidental injure by using the napkin with the frozen perphtoran
The method of the prevention of the purulent necrotic complication of the accidental injures in mass affections: using oxygenic frozen perftoran as a drug – was presented. The authors came to the conclusion that the presented method can be putted in to the clinical practice and at the stages of the medical evacuation.
Key words: frozen perphtoran, prevention of the complications, accidental injure
10. Kryukova E.A. The eye traumatic injuries in emergency and the organization of the ophthalmologic medical care in megapolis
Wide set of the indexes of the frequency and steppe of the difficulty of the damages of the bulbar and appendages of the eye was presented. 639 emergency situations were analyzed, in which 14 037 persons were defeated, 1 285 of whom had the eye trauma. Statistic analysis of the data made it possible to came to the representative conclusion about probable frequency of the ophthalmologic traumas and dynamics of the visual acuity of the staggers, who had received ophthalmologic medical help. The suggestions, which were improved by experience, for special organization of the ophthalmologic medical help and equipment of the team for urgent actions, were given.
Key words: supplier pharmacist, unit of equipment, organization of the ophthalmologic medical help, eye traumatic injuries, date of mutuality, emergent situation
11. Tretyakov N.V., Trifonov S.V., Klishin A.A., Babenko O.V., Trifonova S.S. Scientific ground and elaboration of the course of the remote education on module «Organization of the medical and medico-psychological ensuring of the population in emergency for the students of medical academies»
The questions of the medical and psychological ensuring of the population in emergency lately became topically significant. Specifically, most urgent topic now is improving of methodological aspects of the educational process on the base of the remote education, on a level with organization and differentiation of the situation on emergency in our country and in the world. The final aim of that measures is to create such a conditions, which make it possible for the students have a chance to get new skills of using modern technology, during the period of prediploma doctor training. And also to have an access to electronic library and Internet. Most important thing on the modern stage of medical education is the satiation of the informational space; in order the students can use all necessary information.
Key words: informational space, electronic library, prediploma doctor training, organization of the medico-psychological ensuring of the population in emergency, modular technology of education
12. Goncharov S.F., Borisenko L.V. The results of the realization of the measures of federal goal-directed program «Improvement of safety of the road movement in 2006–2012» by Russian service of the disaster medicine in 2006 and the main tasks for 2007
Problems of medical service for victims of the road accidents and also perspectives of the creating of contemporary sanitary aircraft system were presented. The main tasks for All-Russian service of disaster medicine for reaching the final result of realization Federal goal-directed program «Improvement of safety of the road movement in 2006–2012» were determined.
Key words: road accident, sanitary aircraft, urgent medical service, stage of Federal goal-directed program
13. Zhukov V.A. Training teachers of drivers, service specialists, which take part in the liquidation of consequences the road accidents, teaching urgent medicine for victims of the road accidents
Mentioned, that fulfilling of the medical measures during road accidents make it possible to save life for a lot of victims, shorten time of their treatment, lowering the proof of disablement and mortality. It is the aim of Federal goal-directed program «Improvement of safety of the road movement in 2006–2012». Educational teacher’s centers for specialists, who will teach drivers, employees of services, that take part in the liquidation of the consequences of road accident, in order to prevent and lower of road accidents in Moscow and Federal regions, are created now. The first educational program for the teachers in this category was hold in April 2007 on the base of «All-Russian center of disaster medicine «Zaschita» of Rossdrav»
Key words: training for teachers of drivers, service specialists, which take part in the liquidation of consequences the road accidents, teaching urgent medicine for victims of the road accidents; educational centers; cycle of the thematic education for teachers
14. Bagdasaryan A.S., Pleshakova E.N., Stetsenko S.M. Analysis of the road accident traumatism in Krasnodar region
Statistic data of the road accidents on the territory of Krasnodar region in 2003–2006 and dynamics of their changing were presented. The analysis of the age-gender structure of the victims was carried out. It was mentioned that high level of mortality on the place of road accident (71,8–75,6%) could be connected with the deficiency of the system of medical support for victims of the road accident, first of all at the pre-admission stage.
The participation of the regional center of the disaster medicine in the Federal goal-directed program «Improvement of safety of the road movement in 2006–2012» was examined.
Key words: road accident, Krasnodar regional center of disaster medicine, Krasnodar region, age-gender structure, victims and ruined, Federal roads
15. Lishakov V.I., Prostakishin G.P., Batrak N.I. The data base of the existence of the dangerous chemical objects on the territory of Russian Federation –necessary element of the forecasting and appreciation of the situation in the time of the organization of the medical-sanitary security of the population in emergency
Nowadays there is a necessity for elaboration of the united national system of the medical-sanitary measures for ensuring security of the population of Russian Federation in emergencies connected with the influence of the toxic chemical substances. The results of the extracts from the priority dangerous chemical territories and dangerous chemical objects were presented; the most saturated by emergency dangerous chemical substances regions were determined. Those make it possible to forecast and appreciate the situation in the time of the appearance of
the chemical emergency.
Key words: emergency dangerous chemical substances, chemical agent, object for saving and distraction of the chemical weapon, dangerous chemical objects, emergent service, territorial emergent center, chemical emergency, emergency
16. Butaev T.M., Kabolova Z.Z. Priority directions of the improvement of the supervision system of the sanitary-epidemic situation in emergencies in Northern Osetiya–Alaniya Republic
Main directions of the super-vision system of the sanitary-epidemic situation in emergency ware presented. Data based on the analysis of the sanitary-anti-epidemic insurance of the population during the liquidation of the consequences of emergency in Northern Osetiya–Alaniya Republic. The methodological basis of the sanitary-epidemic supervision in emergency was shown.
Key words: information flows, sanitary-epidemic supervision, epidemic system analysis, emergency
17. Shabanov V.E., Tregub T.I. Application of the products from antimicrobial materials for the ensuring of the sanitary-epidemic prosperity of the mobile multiple-discipline hospital in emergency
New method of the ensuring of the sanitary-epidemic prosperity of the emergent mobile hospitals and prophylaxis nosocomial infection by using of the products from antimicrobial materials: self and bed linen, medical dresses – was presented. This method includes the adding of the antiseptic of wide action – catamin AB (chemical way of adding). It was shown that using of this products insure the protection of medical personal and victims. Effectiveness of the pro-ducts was proved during the using in the conditions of mobile hospital of All-Russian center for disaster medicine «Zaschita».
Key words: antimicrobial materials, nosocomial infection, catamin AB, mobile hospital of All-Russian center for disaster medicine «Zaschita»
18. Goncharov S.F., Skahno I.I., Magamadov U.A. Informational ensuring and coordination of the activity for prevention and liquidation of the medico-sanitary consequences of emergencies on the territory of CIS counties-participants
The information about algorithm of the activity of the emergency of CIS counties-participants, which were including in the liquidation of the medico-sanitary consequences of emergencies, was presented. The main positions of interaction of the medical forces and measures of CIS counties-participants in the different periods were shown.
Key words: coordination of the activity, CIS counties-participants, interaction, emergency
19. Slesarev V.G., Dzhel L.L., Botabekova L.M., Kim L.V. Analysis of the character of emergency in Kazahstan Republic
The dynamic of changing of the quantity and quality of emergencies on the territory of Kazahstan Republic, based on the data of the regional and territorial centers of disaster medicine in 2003–2005, was presented. Analysis of the data showed the growth of the quantity of natural and man-caused catastrophes, most of which were traffic accidents.
Key words: natural catastrophes, statistic analysis, man-caused catastrophes, center of disaster medicine, emergency
20. Shafalinov V.A. Contemporary aspects of the international cooperation in disaster medicine
Necessity of the effective coordination of the activity and interaction of all international medicine groups and humanitarian organizations during the liquidation of the medical-sanitary consequences of the emergencies was substantiated. It is necessary to have general guidance for lot of organizations with different possibilities, which will distinctly distribute the directions of the general of the main efforts. As the result of the earth-quake and tsunami in Indonesia there were 120 victims of that emergencies. On the base of the analysis, that was created by the specialists of Russian medicine contingent, during the emergent activity, the main questions and offers for their decision were carried out. It may be possible, that Ministry of the defense will take part in liquidation of the consequences of man-caused and natural catastrophes.
Key words: humanitarian support, catastrophe, international cooperation, disruption of medical care, Indonesian Republic, tsunami
21. Sahno I.I. Conference of the soviet on the coexistence in health service of CIS counties-participants
22. Karakozov A.G., Borisenko L.V., Reutov A.V. Using of the algorithm of the early diagnosis and surgical approach of the gemmation of thyroid gland in persons of dangerous professions