1. Borisenko L.B., Goncharov S.F. Tasks of All-Russian disaster medicine service on realization of Federal target road safety program
On the ground of the present statistical data the urgency of scientific research and practical development to facilitate efficiency of medical care to the injured in road accidents has been proved. The tasks of All-Russian disaster medicine service on realization of the Federal target road safety program are presented.
Key words: road safety, road accidents, road accident injuries, accident indices, Federal target program
2. Avdeeva V.G. International scientific-practical conference «Problems of medical response to road accidents. International experience in prehospital care»
The paper presents information about International scientific-practical conference devoted to the problems of medical response to road accidents. The conference took place on July 4-5, 2006 in Perm.
Key words: road accidents, road traffic safety, Federal target road traffic safety program
3. Shestopalov N.V. Delivery of medical care to the injured in road accidents in Altai region
Road accidents (RA) on the main motorways in Altai region are analyzed. A complex of measures is presented to improve delivery of medical care to the injured in road accidents.
Key words: road accidents, sanitation transport, emergency medical care, disaster medicine service
4. Buchinsky V.S., Il’ina G.P. Specific pattern of medical support of population in Irkutsk region in emergency
Practical operational experience of the State public health institution «Territorial Centre for Disaster Medicine in Irkutsk region» for 2001–2005 has been analysed. The analysis of the work of disaster medicine service specialists in medical response to emergencies in the region is made. The activity of the Centre for Disaster Medicine having in its structure emergency and planned-consultation medical care department is described. The importance of disaster medicine service in daily routine work to deliver emergency medical care to the population in Irkutsk region is emphasized, cost and efficiency of an extended human life for a gross output of the region is given.
Key words: operational experience of the Centre for Disaster Medicine, medical support management, emergency medical care, emergencies
5. Kaunov M.S. Basic principles and development of medical support at railway transport in response to emergency
The paper describes specific medical support of the injured in the course of medical and health emergency response at railway transport. Basic principles of the Department for Health of the «Russian Railways» public joint-stock company under structural reorganization and new system of economic relations are presented. The system of practical measures is defined in the sphere of disaster medicine as one of the constituents providing safety at railway transport.
Key words: emergency and rescue (emergency relief) works, Department for Health of the «Russian Railways» public joint-stock company, railway transport, information and quick-response instruction support, medical support, nongovernmental health institution, medical support service at railway, emergency
6. Ibragimova G.Ya., Boiko Yu.V., Yunusov R.R. Principles of drug stock-piling for medical care delivery to the injured in accidents at chemically hazardous facilities
The paper describes basic principles of drug stock-piling (unreduced stock) for medical and health emergency response to accidents at chemically hazardous facilities (based on the work of Bashkortostan Republic specialists). The procedures of stock-piling are presented. The suggested standard sets of drugs are intended for medical care of the injured by hazardous chemical agents which are present at all potential by hazardous chemical facilities of Bashkortostan.
Key words: hazardous chemical agents, drugs for medical care of the injured in chemical accidents, principles of unreduced stock-piling of drugs, Bashkortostan Republic, chemically hazardous facility
7. Moshetova L.K., Goncharov S.F., Kryukova E.A. Frequency of ophthalmological injuries in emergency in megapolis
The analysis of the frequency of ophthalmological injuries in emergency registered in the Russian Federation megapolises in 2000–2004 has been performed. The statistical data show that such unjuries occur more often in emergencies induced by terrorist attacks, transport accidents and fires.
Key words: megapolis, ophthalmological injury, statistical analysis, emergency
8. Fedorov Yu.M., Kologorov A.I., Toporkov V.P. Sanitation protection of territories and specific prophylaxis in response to epidemiologic emergencies
Role and epidemiological efficiency of vaccination in sanitation protection of territories in emergency are considered. It is stated that public immunization against any infection in emergency always results in reduction of morbidity and mortality levels. The maximum prevention and antiepidemic effect is observed in case of immunization against tularemia, yellow fever, measles, poliomyelitis. The vaccines against these diseases produce a lasting expressed immunity in more than 90% of the immunized.
Key words: sanitation protection of territories, emergency, epidemiologic emergencies, epidemiologic efficiency of vaccination
9. Starostina N.V., Skobelev V.V. Specific pattern of sanitation and antiepidemic procedures in a technogenic emergency in Moscow region
The paper deals with after-effects of fan-like electric power disconnection that resulted in malfunction of water supply and sewerage systems in Moscow and nearby regions. Due to discharge of dirty waste waters pollution of the rivers Moskva, Protva and Oka has occurred. Discharge norms for some pollutants have been calculated. For a month an active open water monitoring has been performed. The procedures on waste waters neutralization, drinking water supply to population allowed to prevent an outbreak of acute intestinal infection in emergency zone.
Key words: water supply, water quality control, rivers, waste waters, emergency
10. Butaev T.M., Kabolova Z.Z. Sanitation and epidemiological surveillance in natural disasters and terrorist attacks in Northern Ossetia-Alania Republic
Problems of organization and management of epidemiological support in emergencies in Northern Ossetia-Alania Republic are considered.
The activity of the specialists of State centres for sanitation and epidemiological service in extreme situations occurred in the Republic are analysed.
Key words: humanitarian cargo, epidemiological routine, terrorist attack, natural disasters, epidemic situation
11. Melnikova O.A., Kolyasnikov O.V., Petrov A.Yu., Struin N.L. Immunobiological preparations used in the work of disaster medicine centre
The authors present literary and their own pilot data about observance of pharmaceutical order in rotation of medical immunobiological preparations. All such preparations are divided into two categories: for planned vaccination of personnel and for work in emergency.
Key words: bioterrorism, extremely dangerous infection, storage and disposal of immunobiological preparations
12. Rogozhnikov V.A., Akhmetov I.R., Sarmanaev S.Kh. Role of Toxicological centre of the Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency in medical and health emergency response at the facilities of chemical weapon storage and disposal
The paper analyses the role of Toxicological centre (TC) of the Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency in medical and health emergency response at the facilities of chemical weapon storage and disposal (FCWSD). Structure and equipment of TC are given, as well as organization of medical and health emergency response at FCWSD and other extremely hazardous chemical facilities, etc.
Key words: accidents, medical and health consequences, facilities of chemical weapon storage and disposal, Toxicological centre, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency
13. Kostomarova L.G., Stazhadze L.L., Spiridonova E.A., Sheko S.A., Fedotov S.A. Estimate of efficacy and adequacy of medical support at a prehospital stage in emergency in Moscow. Report № 1: Primary medical support
The paper analyzes and establishes time indices defining quick response activity and duration of work of emergency medical care service in disaster aftermath in Moscow. Unordinary situations are considered that occur during the process of organization of free passages for ambulance movement. The importance to know true information about the events occurred for medical personnel is emphasized, and for population – promotion of their adequate behaviour pattern in emergency.
Key words: prehospital stage, medical and health setting, duration of time periods, evacuation of the injured, emergency medical care
14. Gundorova R.A., Kataev M.G., Verigo E.N. Clinical pattern, complex diagnostics and medical management of the patients with extraocular localization of foreign bodies in the orbit
Clinical studies of 48 patients with fragmentation injury of the orbit are presented. They were performed using results of a complex diagnostics examination, including computer tomography. Specific patterns of clinical manifestations and complications due to localization of foreign bodies in different parts of the orbit are described. Indications for removal of fragments are recommended. Besides, depending on the site of foreign bodies in the orbit optimum ways of access to them are given, and that is likely to prevent development of intraoperational complications.
Key words: foreign body, computer tomography, orbit fragmentation injuries, injuries of the eye and orbit, topographic localization
15. Topalov K.P., Razvin S.B., Lazar K.G., Ovsyannikov N.S., Ushkalova O.K. Efficient delivery of medical care to the injured with thoracal trauma in emergency
The paper deals with indices of traumatism and mortality of the injured as a result of external reasons in Khabarovsk region depending on the area of their residence. The main lines to facilitate efficiency of medical care delivery to the injured with thoracal trauma are considered. Modern principles of approach to diagnostics and treatment of this injury are described. Ways to improve medical and evacuation procedures in emergency are enumerated. The main principles of urgent thoracal care are given.
Key words: medical care, thoracal trauma and its types, emergency, evacuation of patients with thoracal trauma, urgent thoracal care
16. Zhigunov A.K., Aslanov A.D., Kyudryavtsev B.P., Logvina O.E., Oitov T.Kh. Delivery of secondary medical care to mass casualties in multifield hospital
The preliminary analysis of the outcomes of surgical treatment of the injured (64 persons) in Republic hospital of Nalchik in October 2005 is presented. 98 surgical interventions were performed: 10 craniocerebral injuries, 5 abdominal wounds, 5 thoracic wounds, 27 injuries of extremities.
Key words: rapid casualty admission, «military-urban» surgery, multifield hospital, gunshot injuries, secondary medical care
17. Preobrazhensky V.N., Lyadov K.V., Balaban M.D., Zadorozhko M.G., Filipova G.E. Efficiency of medical rehabilitation of the persons of risk professions with gallbladder dynamic changes
Data about examination and medical rehabilitation of 113 patients, workers of gas extraction industry, with dyskinetic disorders of gallbladder which were diagnosed using modern diagnostic procedures are presented. Modern programs of medical rehabilitation including new physiotherapeutical technologies (microwave resonance therapy, pulsed magnetic field) are applied. The high efficiency of medical rehabilitation programs for persons of risk professions is proved. Such programs facilitate cholelithiasis prevention in the given population cohort.
Key words: dyskinesia of gallbladder, persons of risk professions, medical rehabilitation programs, physiotherapeutical technologies
18. Ganieva Kh.O., Tsaregorodtsev A.D., Goncharov S.F., Rozinov V.M., Petlakh V.I. Secondary medical care in field pediatric hospital in Gudermes district of the Chechen Republic
The results of the analysis of secondary medical care to the children of the Chechen Republic in field pediatric hospital of All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine «Zaschita» for the period of April 20, 2001 – July 06, 2002 have been summarizied. 34 554 outpatient consultations were given, 2 817 patients received medical care in hospitals, including 1 105 patients hospitalized with somatic diseases.
Key words: armed conflict, children, field pediatric hospital, Chechen Republic
19. Penzev A.A., Ivanova I.V. Training experience of medical personnel for work in peace- and wartime emergencies
The paper presents experience of Training centre for advanced professional training of public health workers of Territorial centre for disaster medicine in Omsk region in the sphere of education and retraining of medical personnel to deliver urgent medical care in emergencies. In 1989-2005 more than 20 000 specialists in Omsk region (physicians, rescuers, drivers, executive personnel, etc.) improved their professional skills and underwent training for work in emergency.
Key words: out-training cycles, emergency medical care, Training centre, emergencies
20. Ivleva N.V. Activity experience on disaster medicine training of medical college students
The paper presents the principle of integrativity as a method of systemic knowledge formation on the basis of interdisciplinary relationship. This method has received a special reputation in the sphere of education for the last time. Updated techniques of the training of the students studying in the Orel fundamental medical college make it possible to increase the level of professional education and to improve the quality of disaster medicine specialists training.
Key words: integrated training, integrated training complex, interdisciplinary relationship, emergency care, general professional knowledge, emergency, urgent medical measures
21. Kipor G.V. «Green cloud» command training exercises of NATO-members and partners
The main stages (positions) of the «Green cloud» command training exercises of NATO-members and partners are considered. The subject of the exercises – control and management of medical and health response to terrorist attack using pulmonary plague agent.
Key words: biological agent, command training exercises, medical and health response to terrorist attack, NATO-members and partners
22. D’yakov D.D., Rykov A.G., Makarevsky S.Yu., Osipov A.L., Kozhevnikova S.Yu. Urgent total hip replacement following its destruction in emergency
23. Balaban M.D., Zadorozhko M.G. Analysis of medical rehabilitation system of the persons of risk professions with diseases of digestive organs. Report 1