Original article

Somatoform Disorders in Employees of Internal Affairs: Features of Protective Coping Mechanisms – the Basis of Adaptive Behavior

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Bezchasny K.V.

Occupational Health Facility, the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the City of Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation

UDK 616.8-009

Pp. 33–37

Abstract. The results of a comparative study of the mechanisms of psychological protection and coping behavior in employees of Internal Affairs, suffering from somatoform disorders, and of civilian patients with the same pathology are presented. It was found that the Internal Affairs personnel more often use constructive coping mechanisms and much less often turn to non-adaptive options of psychological protection than civilian patients. It is concluded that this behavior allows them to better cope with emergency situations and to easier overcome the difficulties associated with psycho-emotional overstrain.

Key words: adaptive behavior, civilian patients, emergency situations, Internal Affairs Employees, protective coping mechanisms, psycho-emotional overstrain, somatoform disorders

For citation: Bezchasny K.V. Somatoform Disorders in Employees of Internal Affairs: Features of Protective Coping Mechanisms – the Basis of Adaptive Behavior. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2019; (4): 33–37 (In Russ.), https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2019-4-33-37


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The material was received 03.12.18; the article after peer review procedure 03.06.19; the Editorial Board accepts the article for publication 04.09.19