ФГБОУ ВО «Первый Санкт-Петербургский государственный медицинский университет им. акад. И.П.Павлова» Минздрава России
C. 59–62
Ключевые слова: острый период травматической болезни, пациенты с политравмой, прогнозирование, прогностические шкалы
1. Injuries and violence: the facts 2014. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2014. 20 p.
2. World health statistics 2017 [Text]: monitoring health for the SDGs, Sustainable development Goals. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2017. 116 p.
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4. Guidelines for trauma quality improvement programmes. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2009.114 p.
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19. Травматическая болезнь: состояние проблемы, варианты течения (сообщение первое) / Самохвалов И.М., Бояринцев В.В., Гаврилин С.В., Немченко Н.С., Мешаков Д.П., Суворов В.В., Денисенко В.В., Гребнев А.Р. // Вестник анестезиологии и реаниматологии. 2009. Т.6, №5. С. 2–8.
20. Объективная оценка тяжести травм / Гуманенко Е.К., Бояринцев В.В., Супрун Т.Ю., Ляшедько П.П. СПб., 1999. 110 с.
21. Практическая ценность некоторых прогностических шкал при травматической болезни / Шапот Ю.Б., Селезнев С.А., Куршакова И.В., Тания С.Ш., Алекперли А.У., Радыш В.Г., Халилов Р.Г. // Вестник хирургии. 2011. С. 57–62.
22. The injury severity score: a method for describing patients with multiple injuries and evaluating emergency care / Baker S.P., O’Neil B., Haddon W.J., Long W.B. // J. Trauma. 1974. №14(3). P. 187–196.
23. A revision of the Trauma Score / Champion H.R., Sacco W.J., Copes W.S., Gann D.S., Gennarelli T.A., Flanagan M.E. // The Journal of Trauma. 1989. №29(5). P. 623–629.
24. Boyd C.R., Tolson M.A., Copes W.S. Evaluating Trauma Care: The TRISS Method // J Trauma. 1987. №27. P. 370–378.
Ehrgashev O.N., Makhnovsky A.I.
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “The First St. Petersburg State Medical University named by Academician I.P.Pavlov” of the Health Ministry of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
It is noted that there have been developed a large number of scales to predict clinical outcomes in patients with polytrauma, but at the same time the possibility of their use for predicting the course of the acute period of traumatic disease has not been studied. The results of comparative analysis is presented: of the scales for assessing the severity of injuries TOLC-P and ISS; of the scales rating the severity of condition TOLC-SP, and RTS; and of integrated prognostic scales Tsibina and TRISS. The conclusion is made about the greater prognostic value of the scales of TOLC-P, RTS and TRISS.
Key words: acute period of traumatic disease, patients with polytrauma, prediction, predictive scales
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22. Baker S.P., O’Neil B., Haddon W.J., Long W.B., The injury severity score: a method for describing patients with multiple injuries and evaluating emergency care, Trauma, 1974; 14 (3): 187–196.
23. Champion H.R., Sacco W.J., Copes W.S., Gann D.S., Gennarelli T.A., Flanagan M.E., A revision of the Trauma Score, The Journal of Trauma, 1989; 29 (5): 623–629.
24. Boyd C.R., Tolson M.A., Copes W.S., Evaluating Trauma Care: The TRISS Method, Trauma, 1987: 27: 370–378.