
Original article

Assessment and Correction of Psychological State of Medical Workers of Infectious Diseases Hospitals in Volgograd Repurposed for Treatment of Patients with COVID-19

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Yarygin O.A.1, Kozlov D.V.1, Raevsky A.A.1,2

1 Centre for Disaster Medicine at the Clinical Ambulance Station, Volgograd, Russian Federation

2 Volgograd State Medical University, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Volgograd, Russian Federation

UDC 616.8:616-082 [470.45]

Pp. 41–44

Abstract. The aim of the study was to analyze the experience in assessment and correction of the psychological state of the medical staff of infectious hospitals, repurposed to treat patients with COVID-19, and recommendations to the administrative staff of the hospitals for optimization of work with the aim of preserving the health of medical professionals.

Materials and methods of research. From May to September 2020, medical psychologists of the laboratory of Psychophysiological support of the Center for Disaster Medicine of the Clinical emergency medical station of Volgograd visited 9 medical treatment organizations (LMO) that were converted into infectious diseases hospitals.

During the visits, the psychological state of 279 medical workers was diagnosed according to the following methods:

1. Questionnaire for the identification and evaluation of neurotic states (K.K.Yakhin, D.M.Mendelevich).

2. The method of measuring the level of “mental burnout” (V. V.Boyko).

The results of the study and their analysis. The results of the assessment of the psychological state of medical workers in infectious diseases hospitals are presented and the main directions of providing psychological assistance are identified. The principles of organizing methodological assistance to the administration of the hospitals are described.

Key words: infectious diseases hospitals, medical personnel, medical psychologists, new coronavirus infection COVID-19, psychological consultation, psychological diagnosis, psychological state

For citation: Yarygin O.A., Kozlov D.V., Raevsky A.A. Assessment and Correction of Psychological State of Medical Workers of Infectious Diseases Hospitals in Volgograd Repurposed for Treatment of Patients with COVID-19. Meditsina Katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2021; 1: 41-44 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2021-1-41-44



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The material was received 20.10.20; the article after peer review procedure 03.02.21; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 10.02.21