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Main Drawbacks and Unresolved Issues of Elimination of Medical and Sanitary Consequences of Chemical Emergencies

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Prostakishin G.P.1, Sarmanaev S.Kh.1,2, Avetisov G.M.1


All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine Zashchita of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, Russian Federation

Federal Research and Clinical Centrt of Physical-Chemical Medicine of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, Russian Federation

UDC 614.8.086.4

Pp. 28-32


Abstract. The purpose of the study is to analyze the main shortcomings and unresolved issues of elimination of the health consequences of chemical emergencies.

Materials and methods of research. The experience of specialists of the All-Russian centre for disaster medicine Zashchita (ARCDM Zashchita) in eliminating the medical and sanitary consequences of chemical emergencies is studied.

Research results and their analysis. The article presents and analyzes the experience of participation of specialists of ARCDM Zashchita in the elimination of medical and sanitary consequences of a number of chemical emergencies. A wide variety of such emergencies and the need for targeted measures to eliminate their health consequences are shown. The shortcomings and unresolved issues of elimination of medical and sanitary consequences of chemical emergencies related to the imperfection of methodological support, insufficient technical and material support, and problems of special training of medical specialists are identified.


Keywords: All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine Zashchita, antidotes, chemical emergencies, complex of medical measures, dangerous chemicals, disaster medicine, emergency medical care, medical and sanitary consequences, methodological support, special training of medical personnel, technical and material support, victims


For citation: Prostakishin G.P., Sarmanaev S.Kh., Avetisov G.M. Main Drawbacks and Unresolved Issues of Elimination of Medical and Sanitary Consequences of Chemical Emergencies. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2020; 4: 28-32 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2020-4-28-32



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12. Prostakishin G.P., Sarmanaev S.Kh., Goldfarb Yu.S. et al. Meditsinskaya Sortirovka Porazhennykh pri Khimicheskikh Avariyakh i Terroristicheskikh Aktakh s Primeneniem Toksichnykh Veshchestv = Medical Sorting of Those Affected by Chemical Accidents and Terrorist Acts with the Use of Toxic Substances. Medical Study Guide. Moscow, VTSMK Zashchita Publ., 2011, 31 p. (In Russ).

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The material was received 14.10.20; the article after peer review procedure 23.11.20; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 30.11.20