Discussion article

Helicopter Landing near Medical Treatment Facility 

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Popov V.P., Rogozhina L.P., Frolov I.A., Kashevarova L.R., Erokhin V.A., Medvedeva E.V.

Healthcare Institution of the Sverdlovsk Region “Territorial Centre for Disaster Medicine”, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation

UDK 614.2-614.8

Pp. 48–51

Abstract. Currently, there is a demand for the creation of landing sites for sanitary helicopters near medical treatment facilities for the sanitary aviation evacuation of urgent severe patients. According to the authors, one of the options for solving this issue is to combine the sorting and evacuation site near the reception Department of the facility and the landing site for the helicopter into one object.

The main provisions of the Federal aviation regulations governing the requirements for helicopter landing sites and the main stages of creation of such joint facilities are presented as well as requirements for landing areas for helicopters.

The author presents examples of the minimum (Nizhny Tagil – 1.2 million rubles), maximum (Sukhoi Log – 1.9 million rubles) and average (more than 1.5 million rubles) estimated cost of sorting and evacuation sites (SEP) built in 2014.

It is noted that on or near the sites of Sverdlovsk region medical facilities 14 helicopter landing sites were built over the past 5 years, and in the years 2019–2024 40 sites more are planned.

Keywords: ambulance helicopter, landing site, medical treatment facility, sorting and evacuation site

For citation: Popov V.P., Rogozhina L.P., Frolov I.A., Kashevarova L.R., Erokhin V.A., Medvedeva E.V. Helicopter Landing Near Medical Treatment Facility. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2019; (4): 48–51 (In Russ.), https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2019-4-48-51


1. Sakhno, I.I., Sakhno V.I. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine (organizational issues). Moscow, GOU VUNCM MZ RF Publ., 2001. 560 p. (In Russ.).

2. The approval of Federal aviation rules “General rules of air passengers transportation, baggage, freights and requirements for the service of passengers, shippers, consignees. Order of the Ministry of transport of Russian Federation dated June 28, 2007, No. 82 (edition 14.01.2009). Registered in the Ministry of justice of Russian Federation 27.09.2007, No. 10186). Available link: http://www.garant.ru/ (In Russ.).

3. Air code of the Russian Federation. Federal law dated March 19, 1997, No. 60-FZ. Available link: http://www.garant.ru/ (In Russ.).

4. About the approval of Federal aviation rules “Requirements to the landing sites located on the ground or the water area. The order of the Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation dated March 4, 2011, No. 69. Available link: http://www.garant.ru/ (In Russ.).

5. On approving the code of rules SP 121.13330.2012 “SNiP 32-03-96 Airports.” Order of the Ministry of regional development of the Russian Federation from June 30, 2012, No. 277. Available link: http://www.garant.ru/ (In Russ.).

6. About carrying out revision of efficiency of the investment projects and reliability of the estimated cost of the investment projects financed completely or partially at the expense of the means of the regional budget directed on capital investments. Resolution of the Government of Sverdlovsk region dated September 6, 2007, No. 872-PP (ed. 15.10.2009). Available link: http://www.garant.ru/ (In Russ.).

7. Approval of standard instructions for the production of flights in the area of air hub, airfield (heliport) and standard schemes aeronautical passport airfield (heliport), landing site. Order of the Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2011, No. 29. Available link: http://www.garant.ru/ (In Russ.).

8. On approval of the Procedure for the development and rules for the provision of air navigation information. Order of the Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2014, No. 305. Available link: http://www.garant.ru/ (In Russ.).


The material was received 02.08.19; the article after peer review procedure 28.10.19; the Editorial Board accepts the article for publication 27.11.19