Original article
Psychology of Disaster: Specific Aspects of Emergency and Extreme Situation from Experience of Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine of Stavropol Territory
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Kocharov Eh.G., Dukhin O.E., Porkhun L.V.
Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine of Stavropol Krai, Stavropol, Russian Federation
UDK 614.89(470.630)
Pp. 29–32
Abstract. The importance of providing emergency psychological assistance in emergency and extreme situations is revealed based on the example of the activity of the Territorial center for disaster medicine of the Stavropol Territory. The characteristic of human behavior in disaster environment is given. The experience of the Center in organizing and conducting of psycho-physiological examination and psychological support of activity of integrated teams of the Center, rescuers and other persons in hazardous occupations in emergencies and extreme situations.
Key words: afferentation, complex reaction of fear, deprivation, disaster, dynamic equilibrium of state, emergency situation, emotional and willpower preparation, extreme situation, panic, reactive psychosis, shock confusion, simple fear reaction, stress, Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine
For citation: Kocharov Eh.G., Dukhin O.E., Porkhun L.V. Psychology of Disaster: Specific Aspects of Emergency and Extreme Situation from Experience of Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine of Stavropol Territory. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2019; (4): 29–32 (In Russ.), https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2019-4-29-32
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The material was received 10.04.19; the article after peer review procedure 03.06.19; the Editorial Board accepts the article for publication 04.09.19