Short report

Liquidation of Medical and Sanitary Consequences of Emergency Situations Resulting from Transition of Forest Fires on Settlements on Example of Zabaikalsky Krai   

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Andreev A.A., Dolgov R.V., Kornilova O.V., Pudov M.V., Khafizova V.V.

Territorial Centre for Disaster Medicine of Zabaikalsky Krai, Chita, Russian Federation

UDK 614.84(571.1/5)

Pp. 11–13

Abstract. It is noted that forest fires are a constant problem of the Trans-Baikal territory, related to the specifics of the region. The reasons for such fires are indicated -natural phenomena and the human factor. The fire-dangerous period in Transbaikalia, which lasts from early spring to mid-October, is characterized. The work of operational services, including the Service for disaster medicine, in this period is presented.

The reason for the emergency situation (ES) – the burning of dry vegetation (human factor) – occurred on April 19, 2019 in 17 localities in 13 municipal districts of the region. The article estimates the damage resulting from the emergency – 1 billion rubles, and its medical and sanitary consequences – 86 people injured 9 of them hospitalized.

The article considers carrying out of medical evacuations to medical facilities (LMO) of the region: the evacuation shoulder; the types and number of units that conducted the evacuation; and the LMO to which the evacuation was carried out.

The article analyzes shortfalls revealed in the analysis of the actions of operational services on liquidation of consequences of emergency situations: receipt of information about any emergency not from Unified duty and dispatch service (EDDS), but from the duty shifts of district hospitals; problems with mobile and fixed communications.

Key words: emergency, hospitalized, medical and sanitary consequences, natural fires, Service for Disaster Medicine, settlements, Zabaikalsky Krai of Russian Federation

For citation: Andreev A.A., Dolgov R.V., Kornilova O.V., Pudov M.V., Khafizova V.V. Liquidation of Medical and Sanitary Consequences of Emergency Situations Resulting from Transition of Forest Fires on Settlements on Example of Zabaikalsky Krai. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2019; (4): 11–13, (In Russ.), https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2019-4-11-13



1. URL: http://белый-яр.рф/tinybrowser/files/zashcita/oper-prognoz/2019/dolgosrochnyy_prognoz_aprel-_-_sentyabr-_2019_ot_antistihii.pdf

2. URL: депгопбзабайкальскийкрай.рф/u/x—90adce/files/КЧСДепГОПБ/КЧС/2019/Протокол№24от 19_04_2019-овведенииЧСпопожарам.pdf

3. URL: http://правительство.забайкальскийкрай.рф/documentation/223697/

The material was received 29.07.19; the article after peer review procedure 25.09.19; the Editorial Board accepts the article for publication 27.11.19