Sebelev A.I. 1, Yarmolich V.A. 2, Poroysky S.V. 3, Dokuchaev S.V. 2, Raevsky A.A. 2,3
1 Committee of Healthcare of the Volgograd Region, Russian Federation
2 State Budgetary Healthcare Institution «Territorial Centre for Disaster Medicine of the Volgograd Region», Volgograd, Russian Federation
3 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Volgograd State Medical University» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Volgograd, Russian Federation
UDK 614.86 (470.45)
Pp. 12–16
The results of the implementation of the Action plan to reduce the mortality of the population of the Volgograd Oblast from traffic accidents in 2015–2018 are presented. The organizational measures carried out by the health Committee of the Volgograd Oblast to reduce mortality among victims of road accidents are considered. The work of the Department of emergency consultative medical care and medical evacuation to provide medical assistance to victims of road accidents is analyzed.
Key words: emergency consultative medical assistance and medical evacuation ward, emergency medical care, health Committee, road accidents, route medical facilities, routing, territorial center for disaster medicine, three-level system of medical care, victims, Volgograd Oblast
For citation: Sebelev A.I., Yarmolich V.A., Poroysky S.V., Dokuchaev S.V., Raevsky A.A. Provision of Emergency Medical Assistance to Victims of Traffic Accidents in Volgograd Oblast, Medicina katastrof, (Disaster Medicine), 2019; 3: 12–16 (In Rus.), https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2019-3-12-16
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