Savvin Yu.N. 1, Shabanov V.Eh. 1, Petlakh V.I. 1,2

1 The Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine «Zaschita» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow

2 Scientific Research Institute of Surgery of N.I.Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation

UDK 614.882:364

Pp. 21–26


The experience of work of specialists of Field multidisciplinary hospital of the All-Russian Center for disaster medicine “Zaschita” in provision of medical assistance to the population of the Chechen Republic, affected by the hostilities in the area of local armed conflict (1994–1996, 1999–2002) are analyzed. The specifics of structure of sanitary losses among the population, the difference from the structure of sanitary losses among the military personnel are considered.

The main directions of therapy of severely suffering with polytrauma in the acute period of traumatic disease are formulated.


Key words: acute period of traumatic disease, Chechen Republic, field multidisciplinary hospital of ARCDM “Zaschita”, local armed conflict, military personnel, polytrauma, population, sanitary losses

For citation: Savvin Yu.N., Shabanov V.Eh., Petlakh V.I. Structure of Sanitary Losses and Specifics of Medical Care to Population Affected by Hostilities in the Area of Local Armed Conflict, Medicina katastrof, (Disaster Medicine), 2019; 3: 21–26 (In Rus.), https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2019-3-21-26



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