Parkhomchuk D.S. Download the article in pdf format
State Institution of the Lugansk People’s Republic “Lugansk Republican Center for Emergency Medical Aid and Disaster Medicine”, Lugansk, Ukraine
UDK 614.88
Pp. 16–20
The reasons for the creation of a combined health care institution of a special type – Lugansk Republican center for emergency medical care and disaster medicine, which combines ambulance stations and the Service for disaster medicine of the region are analyzed.
Experience of work on the organization of medical care and evacuation support of the population in the conditions of local armed conflict in the South-East of Ukraine is presented.
Key words: ambulance stations, emergency medical care, joint healthcare institution, local armed conflict, Luhansk Republican center for emergency medical care and disaster medicine, medical care and evacuation support of the population, medical evacuation, Service for disaster medicine
For citation: Parkhomchuk D.S. Conditions and Prerequisites for Creation of Combined Health Care Institution for Medical Care and Evacuation of Population, Medicina katastrof, (Disaster Medicine), 2019; 3: 16–20 (In Rus.), https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2019-3-16-20
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