Goncharov S.F. 1,2, Bystrov M.V. 1,2, Baranova N.N. 1,2, Guseva O.I. 4, Popov V.P. 3, Romanov V.V. 1, Chubayko V.G. 1, Sakhno I.I. 1,2
1 The Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine «Zaschita» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education «Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
3 State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Sverdlovsk Region “Territorial Centre for Disaster Medicine”, Ekaterinburg, Moscow, Russian Federation
4 Open Law Institute, Vladivostok, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 614.2
Pp. 5–10
The results of the study of the role and importance of mobile medical formations used in the elimination of medical and sanitary consequences of emergency situations are presented.
The aim of the study – elaboration and substantiation of a set of practical measures for the creation and certification of mobile medical formations of the Service for disaster medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia.
Materials and methods of research. When doing the research the sources of information used were: regulatory and methodical documents regulating the activities of the health sector of the country, including the activities of the Unified state system of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, of All-Russian Service for disaster medicine, of the Service for disaster medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia; Russian and foreign scientific works and other literary sources on the problem under study; World Health Organization guidelines for national disaster medicine services “Classification and Minimum Standards for Foreign Medical Teams in Sudden Natural Disasters” (“Blue Book”), 2013 edition; reports of the All-Russian Center for disaster medicine “Zaschita” as a WHO Collaborating center; statistical reports on the performance of “Zaschita” Center and of territorial centers for disaster medicine (TCDM) on liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences of different emergency situations with multiple sanitary losses and medical evacuation of numerous victims; the materials of special exercises conducted with the health authorities of several regions and TCDM.
Main research methods: historical, analytical, natural modeling and observation.
Research results and their analysis. The following conclusions stem from the research results:
1. The results of the study obtained and presented in this article and the proposals elaborated on their basis for the creation and development of the national system of certified mobile medical formations for provision of emergency specialized and specialized medical assistance in urgent form to victims of emergencies are based on an extensive information base obtained with use of adequate methods and techniques used in the performance of similar scientific research.
2. The results of studying and generalization of experience of work on creation of system of the certified mobile medical formations allow to state that this direction of development of disaster medicine is important and independent in the entire system of rendering medical care to the population in emergency situations.
3. The development of the national system of certified mobile medical formations operating in the modes of daily activities, high preparedness and of emergency, requires further comprehensive solutions of medical and interdisciplinary issues, a clear coordination of the process of their practical implementation, a scientific approach to determining the optimal number of the formations and their territorial locations, as well as further scientific and methodological support.
Key words: emergencies, field multidisciplinary hospital, means of transport, medical and sanitary consequences, medical evacuation, mobile medical complexes, mobile medical formations, mobile medical teams, rapid response teams, sanitary aviation evacuation, sanitary losses, Service for disaster medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia, victims
For citation: Goncharov S.F., Bystrov M.V., Baranova N.N., Guseva O.I., Popov V.P., Romanov V.V., Chubayko V.G., Sakhno I.I., Mobile Medical Formations of Service for Disaster Medicine of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, Medicina katastrof, (Disaster Medicine), 2019; 3: 5–11 (In Rus.), https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2019-3-5-11
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