Bartiev R.A., Duduev V.S., Ehrsenbiev A.V.

Republican Centre for Disaster Medicine of Health Ministry of Chechen Republic, Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russian Federation

UDK 614.8(470.661)

Pp. 42–47

The purpose of the study is to enhance the availability and quality of medical care to the population of the Republic when working in the mode of daily activities and in emergency situations environment, development of measures of optimization of the work of medical formations and structural units of the Republican Center for disaster medicine involved in the provision of emergency consultative medical care and medical evacuation of patients and victims in emergencies.

Materials and methods of research. The reports on the work of the Center in 2015–2018 were used as research material.

Research results and their analysis. The main reasons for calling the consultants of the emergency consultative medical care and medical evacuation unit to the medical organizations of the Chechen Republic are the serious condition of a patient (in more than 70% of cases) and the lack of appropriate specialists – more than 20%. Demand for such specialists as neurosurgeons, resuscitators for children and adults remains consistently high. There is a tendency of growing need for neurosurgeons, surgeons, hematologists, cardiologists and neurologists.

High is the need for emergency consultative medical service, especially of resuscitation profile to children. Provision of the service to pregnant women, mothers and newborns remains relevant. The experts called to medical organizations assist mostly patients of 6 nosological groups.

In fact, all calls are performed by ground ambulance transport.

Despite the measures taken, the number of victims in emergencies, including road traffic accidents, as well as mortality rates in the accidents remain high.

Proposals are made for the further development of the system of emergency consultative medical care and medical evacuation in the Chechen Republic.

Key words: Chechen Republic, department of emergency consultative medical care and medical evacuation, emergency consultative medical care, emergency situations, medical evacuation, Republican center for disaster medicine, road traffic accidents

For citation: Bartiev R.A., Duduev V.S., Ehrsenbiev A.V. Organization of Emergency Medical Consultative Care and of Medical Evacuation in Chechen Republic, Medicina katastrof, (Disaster Medicine), 2019; 3: 42–47 (In Rus.), https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2019-3-42-47


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