Isaeva I.V.
The Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine «Zaschita» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow
UDK 614.883 (470+571)
Pp. 52–55
The problems of development of sanitary aviation in the regions of the Russian Federation in the late XX – early XXI centuries are discussed.
Much attention is paid to the implementation of the priority National project “Ensuring the Timeliness of Emergency Medical Care for Citizens Living in Remote Areas of the Russian Federation”, the implementation of which is impossible without a developed system of emergency specialized medical care with the use of sanitary-aviation evacuation.
It is noted that in March 2019, the Ministry of Health of Russia approved a standard strategy for the development of sanitary aviation in the subjects of the Russian Federation until 2024, on the basis of which the All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” developed methodic guidelines that are in the process of coordination.
Keywords: aircraft, emergency medical care, emergency specialized medical care, priority national project, regional level, Russian Federation, sanitary aviation, sanitary aviation evacuation, three-level health care system
For citation: Isaeva I.V., (Sanitary Aviation at Regional Level in Russian Federation), Disaster Medicine, 2019; 2(106): 52–55 (In Rus.).
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