Petlakh V.I. 1,2, Savvin Y.N. 1

1 The Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine «Zaschita» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow

2 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow

UDK 616-001.45

Pр. 19–23

The review of materials of the III All-Russian Congress “Medical Care in case of Injuries in Peace and War Time. New Aspects in Organization and Technology” dedicated to the basic principles of the organization of surgical management of wounds of different localization is presented. The conclusion is drawn that the use of modern medical technologies at all stages of medical care can significantly improve the results of treatment.

Key wordsgunshot injury surgery, gunshot wounds, medical care, military field surgery

For citation: Petlakh V.I., Savvin Yu.N., (Management of Gunshot Injuries: Current State of the Problem), Disaster Medicine, 2018; 4(104): 19–23 (In Rus.)



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