Miziev I.A. 1, Baksanov Kh.D. 1, Zhigunov A.K. 1, Abashidze A.M. 3, Shidugov A.Z. 3,Kardanova L.D. 1, Kardanov A.V. 2
1 Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M.Berbekov, Nalchik, Russian Federation
2 Kabardino-Balkarian Centre for Disaster Medicine, Nalchik, Russian Federation
3 Republican Clinical Hospital, Nalchik, Russian Federation
UDK 616.001
Pр. 24–27
It is noted that the treatment of combined and multiple fractures of the forearm bones is of significant difficulty due to the severity of the condition of the victim and a large number of damage varieties. Analysis of the results of surgical treatment of forearm fractures in combined and multiple injuries showed that minimally invasive fixators used in the treatment are low-traumatic and meet the requirements of early functional treatment in the postoperative period. The conclusion is drawn that the improvement of the results of treatment of forearm fractures in polytrauma can be achieved by timely and complete diagnosis of concomitant injuries and by compliance with the principle of early surgical and rehabilitation treatment.
Key words: fractures of the forearm, multiple and combined injuries, surgical treatment, tactics of patient management
For citation: Miziev I.A., Baksanov Kh.D., Zhigunov A.K., Abashidze A.M., Shidugov A.Z., Kardanova L.D., Kardanov A.V., (Treatment of Forearm Fractures in Multiple and Associated Injuries), Disaster Medicine, 2018; 4(104): 24–27 (In Rus.)
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