Meshkov N.A.
Federal State Organization «Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
UDK 612.821
Pp. 32–36
The results of the study of specifics of adaptive-compensatory reactions of the organism of servicemen, depending on the nature of their professional activities are presented. Two groups of soldiers of the same age were involved in the study: those who took part in armed activity and those who did not. The results of the study showed that compared to the soldiers who did not participate in fighting, those who did were younger in biological age – they had a slow rate of aging. The adaptation to the conditions of professional activity in the participants of fighting was due to the activation of anabolic processes, in persons who did not take part in fighting – due to the activation of catabolic processes. The conclusion is made: indicators of biological age and vegetative tonus allow to reveal functional tension of adaptation mechanisms and to estimate adaptive possibilities of an organism for the timely prevention of development of such states.
Key words: adaptation, biological age, character of professional activity, participants of military operations, rate of aging, servicemen, vegetative tonus
For citation: Meshkov N.A., (Vegetative Tonus and Adaptive Response of Organism of Military Personnel Depending on Nature of their Professional Activity), Disaster Medicine, 2018; 4(104): 32–36 (In Rus.)
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