Gumenyuk S.A. 1, Mirgorodskaya O.V. 2
1 State Budgetary Health Institution of Moscow «Scientific and Practical Center of Emergency Medical Care of the Moscow City Health Department», Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Federal Scientific State Budgetary Institution «N.A.Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health», Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 614.883
Pр. 48–52
The article presents a brief overview of foreign experience in the use of helicopters for sanitary aviation evacuation and inter-hospital transportation of victims in acute condition and with injury.
Key words: air medical teams, emergency medical care, helicopters, injured, inter-hospital transportation, sanitary aviation evacuation, sanitary aviation, victims in acute condition
For citation: Gumenyuk S.A., Mirgorodskaya O.V., (From Foreign Experience on Helicopter Use for Evacuation and Inter-Hospital Transportation of Victims with Traumas and in Acute Condition), Disaster Medicine, 2018; 4(104): 48–52 (In Rus.)
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