Baranova N.N.

The Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine «Zaschita» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation,

Moscow Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education «Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow

UDK 614.8.06
Pр. 37–44

An urgent need is stressed for the development of software for monitoring of the delivery of emergency medical care and of realization of medical evacuation of emergency situations victims, as well as of evacuation routing principles and of quality criteria. It is noted that at the All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” a preliminary survey of 100 experts was conducted, on the basis of which a questionnaire will be compiled, for evaluation of the proposed list of quality criteria for medical evacuation, without which it is impossible to monitor the provision of emergency medical care and medical evacuation of emergency situations victims.

Key wordsemergencies, emergency medical care, experts, medical evacuation, monitoring, quality criteria, questionnaire survey, routing, software, victims

 For citation: Baranova N.N., (Medical Evacuation of Victims: their State, Problems. Report 1), Disaster Medicine, 2018; 4(104): 37–40 (In Rus.)




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