8. Piskunova S.G.1, Sharshov F.G.1, Prometnoy D.V.2, Vovk Yu.I.3, Krymshamkhalova S.D.1 Regional Model of the Organization of Resuscitation and Counseling Assistance to Children on the Example of the Rostov Region

UDK 614.8:053.2(470.61)

PP. 33–37

1 State Budgetary Institution of Rostov Region “Regional Pediatric Teaching Hospital”, Rostov-on-Don

2 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Rostov State Medical University”, Rostov-on-Don

3 State Budgetary Institution of Rostov Region “Regional Clinical Hospital”, Rostov-on-Don

The effectiveness of the regional model of provision of resuscitation and counseling services to children in the Rostov region has been analyzed after the directive introduction of remote consulting technologies into practice.

The work of the three-level system of medical organizations which provide resuscitation and counseling services to children is described. Data on the structure of consultative-visiting work with children in the Rostov region in 2012–2017 is given. It is concluded that optimization of resuscitation and consulting work allowed to control all cases of hospitalization of pediatric patients with an emergency condition at the territory of the Rostov Region in one center.

Key wordschildren, regional model, remote counseling, resuscitation and counseling, resuscitation and counseling center of the regional children’s clinical hospital, three-level system of medical organizations


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