1. Goncharov S.F. , Avetisov G.M. Provision of radiation safety for health care institutions and population during radiation accident at radiation dangerous object (nuclear power plant)
Basing on conceptual paper «Forecast of radiation danger of nuclear power plants functioning on the territory of Russia for the subjects of Russian Federation» developed by All-Russian Center of Disaster Medicine «Zaschita (Defense)» the new approaches in establishment of boundaries of zones for planning of protection activities and in determining of a set of activities in different zones around nuclear power plants are suggested. The necessity of widening of external boundaries of zone for planning of urgent activities and of increase of radius of zone for planning of restrictive activities around nuclear power plants with reactor’s capacity >1000 MW and 100–1000 MW up to 100 km and 1000 km, consequently, is grounded. As currently the federal legal base and regulations for planning radiation safety for population and health care institutions beyond 30 km zone around nuclear power plants do not exist the new criteria for setting zones’ boundaries are suggested. For reliable provision of radiation safety for health care institutions and population in case of radiation accident at nuclear power plant it is necessary to change this sort of situation.
Key words: nuclear power plant, zones for planning of protection activities, zone for planning of restrictive activities, zone for planning of urgent activities, zone for planning of preventive activities, radiation accident
2. Trifonov S.B., Stukanov M.M., Savostikov A.P., Kulichenko M.U., Kalinichev A.G. Analysis of craniocerebral traumatism in Omsk covering last five years
Authors analyzed great scope of actual material about the victims with craniocerebral trauma in Omsk for the period since 2003 to 2007 years. Problem of craniocerebral traumatism is very urgent, because of this type of trauma has the leading position in statistic structure of traumatism, and its dynamic increase continuously. Main attention is paid to distribution of this trauma among types, age and gender of victims, and also among social factor. Tendency of growth of unit weight of isolated craniocerebral trauma in road accidents are revealed.
Key words: data analysis of craniocerebral traumatism in Omsk, dynamics of traumatism, craniocerebral trauma
3. Lazuk P.V., Kokhanov V.P. Changing of chromatic sensitivity among rescuers, military men and population of some regions of Chechnya under the influence of psychogenic stress in emergent conditions
Investigation of chromatic sensitivity (including character of vascular eye-ground changing and psychical status of the patients) among some categories of people (196 persons), who were under the influence of psychogenic stress, which had been appeared because of emergency destroyed factors, was carried out. It was shown that the most often «mistakes» of the chromatic sensitivity revealed in combination with vascular eye-ground changing. It was no correlation between psychical state and chromatic sensitivity. Revealing malfunctions were situated in blue-yellow spectrum region and can be explained by circulatory insufficiency in the middle periphery of retina, where most blue conuses are situated, which develops under the influence of emergent psychogenic stress. Received data become the base for the including in the plan of the ophthalmologic examining persons, who are in emergent situations, and also for the special tables on acquired malfunctions of chromatic vision.
Key words: psychogenic stress, blood vessels of retina, chromatic sensitivity, chromoanomalia, emergent situation
4. Kolobov S.V., Farkhad F.A., Shevchenko V.P., Lubimov S.N., Zayratyanz G.O. Regional immunotherapy in patients with acute intracranial haematoma
Method of catheterization of the surface temporal artery, macro- and microanatomy of the surface temporal artery and its branches, and also the results of clinical examining in surgery patients with posttraumatic intracranial haemotomas with bringing immunomodulative drugs in regional artery vascular system was presented.
Key words: intracranial haematoma, immune deficiency syndrome, tactivin, craniocerebral trauma
5. Kolobov S.V., Lubimov S.N., Shevchenko V.P., Farkhad F.A., Loktionov A.G. Vertebral-spinal-cerebral trauma and local immunoprophylaxis of suppurative inflammational complication in surgery patients
Data of the results of treatment of the patients with engrafted and nonengrafted spinal trauma, methods of the prevention of the development of postoperational inflammational complications among such a patients was presented. Comparative analysis of treatment guided by generally accepted method and using of regional immunotheraty was done. Method of the local bringing in immunomodulator was proposed and its effectivenes was proved.
Key words: inflammational complication, immunotheraty, tactivin, vertebral and spinal trauma
6. Beganova T.V. Possibilities of medicamental methods of correction of the lipidic metabolism in persons of danger professions
Report 1
Data of the examining of 785 persons from flight personnel and 975 workers of water transport, who have hyperlipidemia, were presented. It was proved that complex using of vegetarian diet, fibrates and statines helped to lower forming ischemic disease and nonfatal cardiac infarction in 1-6 times.
Key words: lipidic, persons of danger professions, metabolism, examining, cardiovascular disease, statines, fibrates
7. Sarmanaev S.H. Standardization of rendering of the first medical support during pre-admission period in the case of internal injury by acetic acid
Problems of the standardization of rendering of the first medical support during pre-admission period in the case of internal injury by acetic acid were carried out. Symptomatology of urgent affection of viscus by acetic acid was analyzed. Proposals on using of the algorithms of express-diagnostics and rendering of medical help in such affections were presented.
Key words: pre-admission period, internal injury, acetic acid, accident
8. Shestopalov N.V., Sakharova O.A., Argudyaev D.U. Organization of the medical insurance for the victims of the road accidents in Altai Territory
Data of medical-sanitary consequences of the road accidents (RA) in Altai Territory in 2003-2007 were presented. Organization of rendering of the medical help to the victims of the road accidents was analyzed and its shortcomings were revealed. Measures for improvement of the organization of rendering of medical support to the victims of the road accidents were examined.
Key words: road accidents, organization of the medical insurance, victims, trass team, difficult associated multisystem trauma
9. Akinshin A.V., Borisenko L.V., Ivanshina L.I. Estimation of the significance of the indicators for the rating of the quality of rendering of medical assistance to the victims of the road accidents
Results of the sociological research on determination of the significance of rating of the activity of medical-prophylactic institutions for the assessment of quality of medical aid to the victims of the road accidents (RA) were presented. Program, main aid, objects and methods of the research were carried out. Conclusion about unequivalent significance of some indicators for the general rating of the quality of medical aid to the victims of the road accidents and necessity of development of criterions for its expert rating were done.
Key words: road accidents, rating of the quality of rendering of medical assistance, rating of the activity of medical-prophylactic institutions, victims, expert consultative and evacuation system
10. Shaposhnikov A.A., Batrak N.I., Lukicheva T.A. Peculiarities of epidemics in emergency situations. Early warning system on epidemic trouble
Report 3
The early warning system on epidemic trouble aimed the provision of readiness of forces and means of Rospotrebnadzor (The Russian Consumer Inspectorate) and of the Disaster Medicine Service in liquidation of epidemic, the identification of leading factors of epidemic process with the disaster region and the development of recommendations on their impact on the most vulnerable groups of population, is presented. The definition of epidemic monitoring in emergency situation and characteristics of its methods are given.
Key words: infection, early warning system, management in emergency situation, epidemic monitoring, epidemic trouble, epidemic process
11. Volodin A.S., Shaposhnikov A.A., Sakhno I.I., Rudneva O.O., Zheleznyak V.N. Methodology for estimation of influence of environmental factors on human health and determination of tension medical and ecological situation in residence areas
The urgency of the influence of harmful environmental factors affecting population living in ecologically unhealthy areas is presented in the article. The pollution of air, drinking water, food, and soil are among the most significant factors of ecological risks that may lead to emergency situation. Current medical doctrine – preservation and rehabilitation of health of every individual and population in general – serves as main methodological base for an estimation of influence of environmental factors on human health. The research objects are adaptive prenosologic and premorbidic conditions, health risk factors and functional reserves. The principals of goals achievement are increasing of adaptive and compensatory capabilities of organism and elimination of risk factors. The definition of ecological epidemiology and its tasks in defense of people from unnecessary exposition of harmful environmental factors is presented. An estimation of external exposition in application to concrete territory, district, city zone and others is widely used in ecological and epidemiological examination. Such estimation of exposition is carried out basing on various sources providing data on character and level of toxic emission of nearest industrial enterprises by pollution concentration in air, soil, and water. These data sources in aggregate give reliable view of harmful ecological factors influencing health of population living in ecologically unhealthy areas.
Key words: methodological approaches, natural and climate conditions, environmental factors, ecology, ecological and epidemiological examination
12. Popov A.V., Akin’shin A.V. Avia evacuation of patient in grave condition to the distance of more than 5 000 km
13. Zadorojko M.G., Preobrajensky V.N., Lyadov K.V., Ostapishin V.D., Manevsky A.P. Diagnistics of rheological and microcirculatory abnormalities among the persons of risk professions and its correction in cardiovascular system deseases
Data of examining of rheological blood indexes 0f 467 patients with coronary syndrome without electrocardiogram changing and 44 patients with hypertensia were presented. It was shown that practically in 81% of cases alteration of blood viscosity, aggregation, erythrocyte deformation index were taken place. Application of teraherz therapy in 240 hherz diapason was proposed. High effectiveness of the method in case of such pathology was proved.
Key words: blood pressure, blood viscosity, persons of risk professions, cardiovascular diseases
14. Matuskov M.A., Kachanova I.V. Teaching the discipline «Organization of medical service in emergent situations» in Smolensk State Medical Academy
15. Rogaliov K.K., Prelovsky A.V., Berezin A.V., Bekryaeva L.A. Experience of organization of special (sanitary-aviation) medical aid on the territory Arkhangelskaya oblast
Five-year experience of activity of emergency service and planning consulting aid (sanitary-aviation service) of Arkhangelsk regional clinical hospital was presented. Critical states of the patients in the conditions of the absence of the medical support were examined as emergent situations with development and holding according complex of the organizing measures at the earliest possible date. Algorithm of organization of rendering of the urgent medical aid by medical institutes of remote district of Arkhangelskaya oblast was shown.
Key words: arkhangelskaya oblast, consultative aid, critical state, sanitary aviation, emergency, evacuation of patients
16. Skoromets A.A., Baryshev B.A., Gendal’tseva S.M., Vershinin V.N., Totovchikov A.A., Krasnov V.S., Alieva M.S. Use of blood substitute with blood gas transfer function – perphtoran – in complex treatment of toxic encephalopathy
17. Sidorov P.I., Solovyov A.G., Barachevsky U.E., Marunjak S.V. Psychological-psychiatric aspects of emergencies
Frequency and structure of psychological-psychiatric consequences among persons involved in emergent situations (ES) basing on the analysis of Russian and foreign literature were shown. Types of psychological traumas were presented and levels of psychological support to victims of ES in the absence of psychiatric specialists were proposed. Ways of improvement of the organization of rendering of the urgent psychological-psychiatric aid to the victims of ES were identified.
Key words: security, victims, psychiatry of emergency, psychological-psychiatric consequences, emergent situations
18. Aleksiev Ognyan, Vutov Vasil. The role, place and value of GIS in coordination of activities in provision of urgent medical aid to the victims of emergent situations
The role, place and value of geographic information system (GIS) in coordination of activities in provision of urgent medical aid to the victims of emergent situations in Republic of Bulgaria are analyzed. The structure of GIS data base is presented, the examples of its use in emergency situations are given.
Key words: geographic information system, emergent situations, National Medical Coordination Center, victims, Republic of Bulgaria, urgent medical aid
19. Gundorova R.A., Verigo E.N., Galchin A.A. Perspectives of application of nanotechnology in ophthalmology
20. 10th anniversary of Smolensk territorial center for disaster medicine
21. In memory of scientist
22. Special tactical training «Organization of medical treatment with the use of helicopters to the victims of road accident» (26.06.08)